Drs. Thomas K. Greenfield, Kim Bloomfield, and Sharon Wilsnack are Multiple Principal Investigators on PHI/ARG’s study on Alcohol’s Harm to Others: Multinational Cultural Contexts and Policy Implications (R01 AA023870) supported by NIAAA.
These ARG, UND, and Aarhus senior investigators are responsible for project direction of this 4-year project. The new project extends earlier NIAAA-supported cross-national GENACIS project (Gender, Alcohol and Culture: an International Study) and like that now-completed project, the new study involves a large team of international scientists working together on harms to others analyses involving 36 countries.
Thomas K. Greenfield, Ph.D., is a senior scientist and Scientific Director at the Alcohol Research Group, a program of the Public Health Institute where he also co-directs the U.S. National Alcohol Survey Resources Core and the U.S. Alcohol’s Harm to Others Survey with Kate Karriker-Jaffe. He is core training faculty in the Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco Clifford Attkisson Clinical Services Research Training Program. Previously he directed the P50 National Alcohol Research Center (1999-2015), served on NIAAA’s Extramural Advisory Board and served as a member of several grant review committees (NIAAA’s Health Services Research IRG, then AA2 and CSR’s Community Influences on Health Behavior (CIHB) IRG). Tom has also completed a term on the PHI Board of Directors. Dr. Greenfield is a Field Editor for Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, Associate Editor for Alcohol & Alcoholism, Assistant Editor for Addiction, and an editorial advisory board member for several other international journals.
is Professor at the Center for Alcohol and Drug Research, School of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University in Denmark. She is also Visiting Professor at the Charité–University Hospital, Berlin, Germany. Before joining Aarhus University, Dr. Bloomfield was Associate Professor in the Health Promotion Research Unit of the University of Southern Denmark, where she gained additional administrative experience as Acting Chair from 2004 to 2005. She was PI of two European Union concerted actions and the 11-country study, “Gender, Culture and Alcohol Problems: A Multi-National Study”. Both studies compared women’s alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems, as well as gender differences, across European countries. Dr. Bloomfield also was a co-investigator on the NIAAA-funded Nordic Tax Study.
Sharon Wilsnack, Ph.D., is presently Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dr. Wilsnack’s background includes experience as a substance abuse therapist and treatment program director as well as in research and medical education. She has published extensively on issues related to substance abuse in women, and has addressed numerous national and international audiences. Her books include Alcohol Problems in Women: Antecedents, Consequences, and Intervention (with Linda Beckman, Guilford Press, 1984), Gender and Alcohol: Individual and Social Perspectives (with Richard Wilsnack, Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, 1997), and Unhappy Hours: Alcohol and Partner Aggression in the Americas (with Kathryn Graham, Sharon Bernards, and Myriam Munné, Pan American Health Organization, 2008). Her research has been funded continuously since 1980 by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/National Institutes of Health.