The study draws data from two major sources. The first is the UND Genacis. The Genacis dataset (GENACIS, Addiction Switzerland) includes a number of questions for drinkers about harms they inflicted on someone else. This dataset is used to examine the experience of alcohol’s harms to others from the harming drinker’s perspective, providing detailed information on the harming drinker’s own drinking patterns and other characteristics.

The second source of data is the set of separately funded Harms to Others surveys. These surveys ask those who were harmed by another drinker about their experience of being harmed, how this has impacted them, and the sources of harm (partner, family member, acquaintance, or stranger). The AHTO surveys thus provide considerable information about the victim’s personal characteristics and the circumstances related to harm events, especially the most serious harm the individual has reported.

The total number of respondents in these two sets of surveys is large: over 126,000 respondents.


GENACIS Surveys (Perspective of Perpetrators of Harms)
Country Year N Sampling scope Age range Regions
Australia 2007 2,434 Reg. (Victoria) 18+ 8
Belize 2005 3,973 National 18+ 3
Canada 2004 13,812 National 18-75 8
Costa Rica 2003 1,273 National 18+ 4
Czech Rep. 2002 2,526 National 18-64 14
Denmark 2003 2,030 National 15+ 14
Finland* 2000 1,931 National 16-70 5
Germany 2000 8,119 National 18-60 14
India 2003 2,597 Karnataka State 16+ 7
Ireland 2002 1,047 National 18+ 4
Japan 2001 2,246 National 20-69 5
Mexico* 1998 5,711 National 18-65 25
New Zealand 2007 1,875 National 18-70 5
Nicaragua 2005 2,030 Regional 15+ 5
Nigeria 2003 2,064 Regional 18+ 6
Spain 2003 1,850 Regional 18+ 7
Sri Lanka 2002 1,193 Regional 18+ 10
Sweden 2002 5,472 National 17+ 7
Switzerland 2002 12,994 National 15+ 7
Uganda 2003 1,478 Regional 18+ 4
USA 2000 7,497 National 18+ 50+DC

* Use of these countries’ data requires special permission


AHTO Country Surveys (Perspective of Victims of Harms)

Country Year N Sampling scope Age range

# regions

Australia 2008 2,629 National 18+ 7 States+ Cap Ter
Brazil 2014 1,100 São Paulo region 18-60 48 city districts
Chile 2013 1,500 7 cities & hinterland 18-64 13
Denmark 2011 2,569 National 15-79 5
India 2013 2,800 Karnataka state 18-64 7
Ireland 2015 2,000 National 18+ 4
Laos 2012/13 1,257 3 regions 15-64 3
New Zealand 2008/9 3,068 National 12-80 6
Nigeria 2013 2,000 6 states/capital territory 18-64 6
Scotland 2012 1,007 National 16+ 5
Sri Lanka 2013 2,475 National 18-64 11
Sweden 2013 15,600 National 17-84 7
Switzerland 2012 2,474 National 15+ 26 Cantons
Thailand 2012/13 1,695 5 regions 18-64 5
USA 2014/15 8,000 National 18+ 50 States + DC
Vietnam 2012/13 1,501 6 provinces 18-64 6